The seventh in a series of 16 blogs answering anticipated (or actual) objections to material set forth in A Way of Escape, i.e., the seventh in a series of 16 blogs answering anticipated FAQs.
OBJECTION #7 (of 16)
Many struggling believers have been set free from their addictions by accountability-based purity programs. Why are you so anti-accountability?
LOL! Of course, I am not anti-accountability. In addition to the many that have been set free from their addictions, flesh-starving accountability-based purity programs also: (i) contribute much to the building of Christian community and stronger churches, and (ii) help to prevent relapse in recovering addicts.
What I do take exception to is the claim that flesh-starving accountability is the believer/addict’s only way of escape from addictive lusts of the flesh. When Scripture clearly speaks of another way (see A wholly Spirit-powered way (Galatians 5:16).
I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh (Galatians 5:16).
In A Way of Escape, readers learn of another way to escape addictive sins of the flesh. Readers learn how to escape—not by starving the flesh, but—by stepping up the degree to which they “walk in the Spirit” (Galatians 5:16). They learn how to build a library of Spirit-anointed, flesh-diffusing apps. Apps that are uniquely fitted to them, and their unique Spirit-filling triggers (Ephesians 5:18b-19).
The still-struggling now have another option. The still-struggling now have fresh hope for discovering that long-sought-after way of escape from temptation and resulting sin (I Corinthians 10:13). A way that—because it is wholly Spirit-powered—does not require enlisting the aid of an accountability partner or group. Truly, a game-changer!