Frequently Asked Questions Include: Can't I escape porn by simply reading my Bible more and praying harder?
Not once the problem goes neural (for a lengthier explanation, see Blog #39 at
Can't a believer simply "let go and let God" to win the war against the flesh?
A "Let go and let God" approach will almost always result in believers having only PASSIVE relationships with the Holy Spirit. But for the individual trapped in an addiction, it is the ACTIVE pursuit of regular relationship intimacy with the Holy Spirit that is key to unleashing His inner-working power, and winning the war against the flesh (for a lengthier explanation, see Blog #40 at
True Christians have repented of their sins. Aren't you ashamed of yourself?
I made similar observations, and asked similar questions, when I was saved back in 1989. But this is not 1989. This is the Internet Age. An Age where we are having to deal with temptation at likely the highest and most dangerous level in human history (for a lengthier explanation, see Blog #41 at
Why aren't others teaching wholly Spirit-led escape from those hard-to-eradicate lingering sins of the flesh?
Others ARE teaching wholly Spirit-led escape from those hard-to-eradicate lingering sins of the flesh. We have just been slow to listen. And perhaps unsure of just how to APPLY what they are teaching (for a lengthier explanation, see Blog #43 at
Accountability works. Why try an escape-without-accountability approach?
Two reasons why the still-struggling believer might prefer the Way of Escape Battle Plan instead of an accountability-based approach. The Way of Escape Battle Plan: (i) Eliminates the Shame Factor, and (ii) Is much EASIER to successfully navigate (for a lengthier explanation of each, see Blog #46 at
How could all higher profile purity programs have missed wholly Spirit-Powered Escape?
The 5-blog series that attempts to explain how such an oversight might have occurred begins at Blog #55 (see
How could all higher profile purity programs err by insisting that accountability is the ONLY way of escape?
The 2-blog theological argument for a SECOND way of escape begins at Blog #60 (see
How is this relevant to me, a believer who does not struggle with addictive sins of the flesh?
Spirit-powered victory over the flesh is just the start. Think of all of the other many situations of life where believers might benefit more from the help/comfort provided by our Holy Spirit Helper/Comforter. Situations of life that most believers are currently battling only in their own (or their small group's) strength (for a lengthier explanation, see Blog #91 at