In the Way of Escape Battle Plan, there is a little of what some have termed “sweet revenge” [1] being exacted. The very medium that the wicked one has used to weaken the born-again believer’s witness is now being used to set believers free. In most instances, it was the viewing of pornographic videos that led to the addiction. In the Way of Escape Battle Plan, it is again the viewing of videos—but now of the Spirit-anointed kind—that is setting believers free.

Perhaps we should have been looking to video weaponry for a way of escape from porn addiction all along. When the flesh mounts a sensual (strongly emotional), image-laden (strongly visual) attack and the addict’s counterattack is a words-only prayer or memory verse (lightly emotional, non-visual), the result is predictably bad. Why? Because, at best, the latter only lightly engages the brain’s limbic system. But if the counterattack adds some limbic-oriented “giddy-up” (think emotional/visual) by combining words with spiritually-and-emotionally-charged imagery, the brain is engaged in a much more powerful way, and the flesh can be repelled.
(for a description of the simple little experiment that I ran to demonstrate the effectiveness of a video antidote, see page 93 of A Way of Escape).
And does not a careful reading of I Corinthians 10:13 also suggest that God’s promised way of escape would be uniquely fitted to each temptation (see the CAPITALIZED portion of I Corinthians 10:13 below)? At least one other author has made a similar observation [2].
... but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but WITH THE TEMPTATION WILL ALSO MAKE THE WAY OF ESCAPE, that you may be able to bear it (I Corinthians 10:13).
If flesh-based videos are the temptation that led to the addiction, it would be “sweet revenge” for God to use Spirit-anointed videos in crafting His way of escape. A video antidote for a video addiction. How perfect! Or, to gain my point, am I guilty of reading too much into Scripture? Let each reader judge for themselves.
The Way of Escape Case Study demonstrates that regular, daily viewing of the Spirit-anointed apps rewires neural pathways, which, in turn, significantly reduces both the number and strength of enemy “incomings.” These reduced-strength “incomings” occurred only about one-fifth as often, once cleaner neural pathways were established. Given the choice, it is certain that every individual struggling with sins of the flesh would elect to deal with only two (2) reduced-strength attacks of the flesh per month, rather than a steady barrage of higher-strength “incomings” at the 5X rate of 10 attacks per month (for the backstory on these numbers, see page 116 of A Way of Escape).
In A Way of Escape, readers learn how the very medium (video) used to enslave can now also be used to set them free. Readers learn how to step up the degree to which they “walk in the Spirit” (Galatians 5:16). They learn how to build a library of Spirit-anointed, flesh-diffusing video apps. Apps that are uniquely fitted to them, and their unique Spirit-filling triggers (Ephesians 5:18b-19).
I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh (Galatians 5:16).
The still-struggling now have another option. The still-struggling now have fresh hope for discovering that long-sought-after way of escape from temptation and resulting sin (I Corinthians 10:13). A way that—because it is wholly Spirit-powered—does not require enlisting the aid of an accountability partner or group. Truly, a game-changer!

1. Wiles, J., and T. Wiles, Conquer Series: The Battle Plan for Purity (Study Guide, Volume 2), First Printing, KingdomWorks Studios, Stuart, FL, page 57, 2017
2. Challies, T., Sexual Detox: A Guide for Guys Who Are Sick of Porn, First Printing, Cruciform Press, Adelphi, MD, page 105 (text of an 1883 sermon by Charles Spurgeon), 2010