With the best of intentions, most builders of Bible-based purity programs insist that accountability is the addict's only way of escape from addictive lusts of the flesh. The fourth in a series of five blogs (4-of-5) to explain how most Bible-based purity programs have missed the Bible’s wholly Spirit-Powered Escape Plan for overcoming the lusts of the flesh (Galatians 5:16). The fourth in a series of five blogs examining Bible-based (but Spirit-passive!) purity programs.

I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh (Galatians 5:16).


The story is a familiar one to all students of Scripture. Nicodemus, a religious leader of the Jews, came by night with questions about the hard teachings of Jesus on the New Birth (John 3:3-8). Teachings that were made hard because Nicodemus interpreted Jesus’ words in only the physical/fleshly realm. While Jesus spoke of the spiritual.

In the war against the flesh, little has changed. Most builders of Bible-based purity programs still do not seem to know what to do with the hard teachings of Scripture on wholly Spirit-powered escape from lusts of the flesh (e.g., Galatians 5:16, Ephesians 3:20-21, Romans 8:2-4, Romans 8:12-13). Teachings that are made hard because most insist that flesh-starving accountability is the addict’s only way of escape (see www.wileygrafbooks.com/news/cure-for-cancer-v7). While Scripture clearly speaks of another wholly Spirit-powered way (Galatians 5:16).


It is my hope and prayer that builders of Bible-based purity programs will one day come to the same realization as Nicodemus. Just as Nicodemus finally came to realize that the New Birth is accomplished via the Spirit (John 3:3-8), may they also eventually come to realize that most addict’s escape from lusts of the flesh may be accomplished completely and entirely via the Spirit (Galatians 5:16). But until that day arrives, the Way of Escape Battle Plan is the addict’s best wholly Spirit-powered option for escaping the lusts of the flesh.  


In A Way of Escape, readers learn of a wholly Spirit-powered option for escaping lusts of the flesh. Readers learn how to escape—not by starving the flesh—but by stepping up the degree to which they “walk in the Spirit” (Galatians 5:16). They learn how to build a library of Spirit-anointed, flesh-diffusing apps. Apps that are uniquely fitted to them, and their unique Spirit-filling triggers (Ephesians 5:18b-19).

I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh (Galatians 5:16).

The still-struggling now have another option. The still-struggling now have fresh hope for discovering that long-sought-after way of escape from temptation and resulting sin (I Corinthians 10:13). A way that—because it is wholly Spirit-powered—does not require enlisting the aid of an accountability partner or group. Truly, a game-changer!