All of the higher profile, Bible-based purity programs insist that accountability is the addict's ONLY way of escape from addictive lusts of the flesh. Today we explore the very real possibility that there is Another Way of Escape. Another Biblical, Easier-to-Successfully-Navigate, Wholly Spirit-Powered Way (Galatians 5:16).

I say then: Walk in the Spirit, and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh (Galatians 5:16)

1) EXPERIENTIAL (My Testimony): There MAY BE Another Way Of Escape!

o   Gaither Homecoming DVD Music Video (7/4/17): I Cannot Fulfill the Lust of the Flesh While I Am Experiencing One of These Music-Video-Induced Spirit-Fillings

o   I Can Initiate On-Demand, Non-Stop Spirit-Fillings by Pressing the “Repeat Chapter” Button on My DVD Remote

o   Drop the Passivity (BLOG 11)! Might Actively, Intentionally, and Repeatedly Experiencing Spirit-Fillings Be the Key to Escape from Addictive Lusts of the Flesh?

o   Have I Just Stumbled Across Another Way of Escape?

2) SCRIPTURAL: There IS Another Way Of Escape!

o   Fast-Forward 3 Months (October 2017) --- Scripture Confirmation of the Experiential (BLOG 20):

            §   Galatians 5:16—I Cannot Fulfill the Lust of the Flesh While “Walking in the Spirit” (precisely what I experienced while watching the Gaither Homecoming DVD Music Videos!)

            §   Ephesians 5:18b-19—I Can be Filled with the Spirit via Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs (precisely what I experienced while watching the Gaither Homecoming DVD Music Videos!)

o   Commentary Writer’s Confirmation (A Way of Escape, pages 64-65)

o   Multiple Voices Are Crying Out, “There IS Another Way of Escape!”

3) THEOLOGICAL: There MUST BE Another Way Of Escape!

o   All of the Higher Profile, Bible-Based Purity Programs Insist that Accountability is the Addict’s ONLY Way of Escape from Addictive Lusts of the Flesh

o   In Their Own Words: Hear What Builders of Bible-Based Purity Programs are Saying About the Hard WORK of Accountability-Based Escape (BLOG 32)

o   If Salvation is by Grace, Why Would Escape ONLY be by WORKS (BLOG 60)?

o   From a Theological Perspective, There MUST BE Another Way of Escape

4) NEUROLOGICAL: This Other Way Of Escape Is Also A MUCH EASIER Way Of Escape!

o   There are Two Ways to Reprogram a Brain. One is Very Difficult. One is Very Easy.

o   All of the Higher Profile, Bible-Based Purity Programs are Accountability-Based Flesh-Starvers. A Very Difficult Way of Escape.

o   A Way of Escape Teaches Mind Renewal by Feeding the Spirit Instead. An Easy-Peasy Way of Escape!

It is Always Easier to “Feed the Spirit” than to “Starve the Flesh.” MUCH, MUCH EASIER!


5) BEST INTENTIONS: How All Of The Higher Profile, Bible-Based Purity Programs Have Missed Wholly Spirit-Powered Escape

o   Starting Secular Pretty Much Guarantees a Spirit-Passive End (BLOG 55)

o   I Suspect that Most Builders of Bible-Based Purity Programs, While Certainly Aware of the Holy Spirit Theology, are Unsure How to Apply the Holy Spirit Theology to Overcome a Real-World Sin Problem (BLOG 30)

o   I Suspect that Most Builders of Bible-Based Purity Programs, Content with Having Found One Way of Escape (flesh-starving accountability), Have Stopped Looking for Easier, Spirit-Powered Ways (BLOG 57 Epilogue)

o   The Simple Fix: Add Regular Spirit-Fillings in the Six Days Between the Weekly Group Meetings (BLOG 59)

6) REVIVAL: A Holy Spirit Revival (BLOG 91)

o   Winning the War Against the Flesh is Just the Start!

o   Think of All of the Many Other Difficult Life Situations Where Our Holy Spirit Helper/Comforter Might Provide Help/Comfort

            §   Other Types of Addictions

            §   Grief Over Loss of a Loved One

            §   Anger Management Issues

o   As These Never-Before-Asked-For-Or-Thought-About Triumphs Begin to Mount (Ephesians 3:20), Might a Holy Spirit Revival Break Out in the Church?

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, To Him be glory ... (Ephesians 3:20-21a)